
Comments from ministry leaders

Mark Minnick

Wesley and Amanda

Dear Pastor,

I’m writing this letter as a recommendation for Wesley and Amanda Barley. Amanda grew up in our church, and Wesley has been a member for ten years (after attending for several years even before that while he was a student at Bob Jones University). So I’ve had the happy opportunity to know both of them well and to observe them in many different personal and ministry situations.

Both Wes and Amanda have had an outstanding testimony within our church. They walk with the Lord and maintain exemplary testimonies. As single adults and then later as a married couple, they were the kind of church members who were in attendance and serving whenever the doors were open. Through the years they’ve responded humbly and obediently to every spiritual challenge that the Lord has given to them. I’ve seen them wait patiently for God’s direction and live sacrificially in order to do His will once they knew it. I’ve never been aware of any inclinations to compromise the Scripture or to pursue the world. They’ve consistently made the Lord their focus. I don’t believe that they have any ambitions other than to walk with the Lord obediently and to help disciple others to do the same.

The Barleys served in a number of ways within our ministry; really too many to enumerate. They were just the kind of folks who were always available and contributing. Perhaps the most notable contribution was within a training program called Undershepherds-in-Training (UIT) that we have for men entering the ministry. It involves evangelizing, teaching, and leading. Wes did a fine job in all respects.

Our folks know Wes and Amanda well and love them greatly. We’re whole-heartedly behind them, both financially and with our consistent prayers for them. I can recommend them to you without reservation.

If I can be of any further help as you consider the possibility of inviting them for a deputation meeting, I’d be very glad to try to provide it. Please feel free to write or call.

In Christ,

Mark Minnick
Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Greenville, SC

Ronald Cochran


Wesley and Amanda
Dear Pastor and friends,

We bring you greetings in our blessed Lord’s name from warm Hermosillo, Sonora Mexico. I hope this letter finds you all well and rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness.

The purpose of this letter is to recommend the Barley family in their new ministry possibilities. Brother Wesley and his family have been faithfully serving here in the Ebenezer Bible Institute and Seminary and Emmanuel Baptist Church for this last year and have been a great blessing to the ministry. Brother Wesley has served in preaching, teaching classes in both the Institute/Seminary and the church, taking mission teams to surrounding villages, and more recently working with the Seminary in preparation to take on that ministry when brother Dan Wokaty steps out.

Brother Wesley was here eight years ago and served well in the ministry. We are excited to have him back and are hoping and praying that he will be able to raise the needed support to get back here as quickly as possible. We would greatly appreciate all you can do for them.

If you would like more information please feel free to contact me by email or phone as listed below. May the Lord richly bless and use each one of you as you serve Him.

Sincerely in Christ,

Ronald J. Cochran
Director, Ebenezer Bible Institute and Seminary
Pastor, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel
[email protected]
Tel. 864-278-2491 (USA)
Tel. 52-662-165-8792 (Mexico)

GFA Director
Mark Batory

Wesley and Amanda
Wesley and Amanda
Dear Supporter of the Barley Family,

As I’m sure you know, Wesley and Amanda Barley will be transitioning to serve with Mission Gospel Ministries International. GFA appreciates this couple and their ministry as they have served with us during this year at the school in Hermosillo, and we concur with their decision to transfer to MGMI since the school is under the auspices of that mission.

We pray that the Lord will prosper this family as they continue serving the Lord in Mexico.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Batory
Executive Director

We’d love to hear from you! Here is how you can contact us:

864-561-9094 or [email protected]

For tax purposes and financial accountability please direct all financial gifts to MGM International.

Mailing address:
MGM International
P.O. Box 6128
Phoenix, AZ 85005
(602) 272-0312